Although I write a lot of songs, sometimes the words come without music.


A wise band once sang “read the lyrics”. This way, you can!


When I can be bothered I shall try and upload old ‘zine articles I wrote during the ‘90s/early 2000s for punk fanzines like Scanner, Fracture, Maximumrocknroll, Mass Movement, Artcore, ETC…

Old Blog #1

When I started Strangely Shaped By Fathers it was as a blog as well as a band. I know. The idea didn’t really work. I don’t think there are many crossover fans of the blog and the band, and they became very separate things, but, it was a good strange mix of personal, political, poems and punk…

Old Blog #2

The Forbidden Curriculum was my short-lived attempt at joining the #edutwitter world and focusing exclusively on education issues. It was short-lived because I realised #edutwitter was pretty awful, and my thoughts on education would require something bigger than a blog. Still - some good starting points.

Old Blog #3

The Broken Study was one of several attempts at maintaining a personal blog where I could be myself whilst working in a profession which continually tells us we cannot be searchable or have any online presence whatsoever. It attempted anonymity so I could speak freely.

Old Blog #4

The Tone of Our Oppression was a political blog I ran between 2009 and 2010 in the lead up to, and disastrous aftermath of, the 2010 UK General Election which brought us the Tory Government we have been suffering under for over a decade now.

Old Blog #5

Anarchophy was another one of the several attempts at maintaining a personal blog whilst still being a teacher told to keep anything personal offline. Previously I had kept a blog since 2004 so it was tough to not have that creative outlet…so I decided to keep one anyway.


The OG original blog I used to do on Blogger back in 2004-2011 after being inspired/bitter about my friends on LiveJournal (if you remember that ancient platform?)